Leak Detection & Diagnostics

With over 50 years of combined experience, the Team at Ensure have extensive knowledge and experience in diagnosing and testing for leaks utilising a wide range of diagnostic tools to assist in the formation of a written remediation report which will be provided upon completion of the testing to the Client and or Building Owners.

During the leak detection/investigation phase, we will utilise any one or more of the following diagnostics tools:
Thermal Imaging Camera
Electronic Moisture Meter
Fluorescein Dye Mapping / Flood Testing
Traditional Water Testing Methods
Following completion of all leak testing and investigation, Ensure will provide a detailed report which includes thermal imaging photos, moisture metre readings as well as marked up photos showing the testing areas.

As part of this detailed remedial report, we will then identify and recommend the most suitable remedial solution for your project and provide you with a detailed methodology and scope of works. We will also recommend to you, the most appropriate product and materials to remediate your water ingress issue(s) which is tailored towards your project requirements and budget.

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Central Coast Office

Unit 4 / 4 Dell Road, West Gosford, NSW 2250

Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm

Sydney Office

Unit 25 / 9 Salisbury Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154

Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm

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